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North West Conveyancing Award winners

On 19th September, our residential conveyancing department won the North West Conveyancing Firm of the Year Award at a conference and awards ceremony held by the Law Firm Services.

The conference and awards were attended by over 400 people and was held at the Vox Centre, Resort World near the NEC in Birmingham.  The attendees comprised of professionals who really drive the world of conveyancing forwards, spanning from specialist IT case management providers, client service experts, risk management specialists as well as specialist conveyancing lawyers and managers.

The awards are split into 6 regions across the country.

The judging process is tough; there is an application to complete, an interview, analysis of our client care information, together with conversations with our clients regarding the level of service they experienced.  A number of our clients were contacted directly and discussed the level of service they had received from us, during their conveyancing matter.

Quotes were also obtained through ‘mystery shopping’, as the judges like to experience firsthand how we welcome clients and assist in providing information about our service and fees.

The award has really motivated our staff and helps them to believe that the service we provide to clients is of the highest quality and that we do put clients at the heart of what we do.

Throughout the year we ask our clients for their feedback on our service and performance and we have always been pleased with the results (see below for our latest feedback).

Winning this award means that high level of service provided to our clients, is now being recognised across the industry.

Ultimately, we are here to help our clients navigate the (often stressful and emotional) experience of moving house.  We are not looking for a pat on the back or to dazzle our clients, we are looking to make the process as easy as possible and meet our clients’ expectations and be a helping hand.

We are looking forward to receiving further, more detailed feedback from the judges in relation to our client’s comments and also in relation to the paperwork we send on to our clients.  All feedback is good, as we constantly endeavour to meet our clients’ expectations and alter the way we work with our clients.  Although we will celebrate, this is not a time to sit back, it is actually a time to build on the great team we have in place and try to make our service even greater.

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With a headcount of over 300, we are dedicated to delivering legal services for you and your business, nationwide from our offices across Lancashire, Cumbria, and Merseyside.