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Legal disclaimer

We realise that a large number of emails are printed out. If these emails have been forwarded or replied to several times, the disclaimers alone can run to several sheets of paper. In order to reduce the environmental impact of this by reducing paper consumption, the Napthens Group has a short disclaimer on outgoing emails linking to the disclaimer below.

This disclaimer applies to all emails sent from the Napthens Group.

Registered office: 7 Winckley Square, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3JD.
Napthens LLP is registered for VAT purposes with VAT registration number 318 5272 02.
Napthens LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with no. OC325775.Napthens LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority Firm No 462103. The SRA Code of Conduct can be viewed here.

AfterAthena is registered for VAT purposes with VAT registration number 842 0852 39.
AfterAthena is a limited company registered in England and Wales with no. 05172986. After Athena is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority Firm No 8001329. The SRA Code of Conduct can be viewed here.

The term “partner” indicates a member of the Napthens Group which is not in partnership for the purpose of the Partnership Act 1890.

A list of members is available from our registered office.

CONFIDENTIALITY This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential, may be legally privileged and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If this has come to you in error, you must not copy, distribute, disclose or use any of the information it contains. Please notify the sender immediately and delete them from your system.

SECURITY Our websites use industry standard security to protect incoming and outgoing data. A small padlock in the address bar shows that the site is secure. You can also use the SRA button in our footer to confirm you are on a legitimate Napthens Group website.

Please be aware that communication by email, by its very nature, is not 100% secure and by communicating with the Napthens Group by email you consent to us monitoring and reading any such correspondence.

Please note that we have no authority or intention to create any legally binding obligations on behalf of our client in this or any other correspondence in this matter. Pending formal exchange of contracts, neither this communication nor any correspondence between us shall be deemed to have satisfied the legal formalities for a disposition of land or any interest in land pursuant to Section 2 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989.

SPOOFING/PHISHING EMAILS As a matter of good practice it is always important to check emails carefully to ensure that there is no question of impersonation by a fraudster. Emails being sent out by anyone in this business will come only from the domain or the domain and not from any variation of it, nor from any other domain address. If you receive an email which purports to come from someone at this office but which does not originate from our domain (for example an email which is not in the format or then please email us at and forward to us the email which you have received. We will then investigate without delay. Please do not respond to the fraudulent email as it will not have come from us.

COPYRIGHT. Copyright of this website and content therein belongs to the Napthens Group unless otherwise stated.