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Napthens take on the 3 peaks challenge in aid of the Foxton centre

At Napthens we believe that together is better. As a firm we believe that supporting and lifting up our community is essential, that is why we created the Napthens Foundation. Through the Napthens Foundation, our wonderful colleagues support and help to raise money for those in need. In connection with the Napthens Foundation, some of our Napthens colleagues will be participating in the Three Peaks Challenge on June the 17th.

The Three Peaks Challenge is walking challenge made up of three peaks, as the name suggests. There are four versions of the Three Peaks Challenge. Over 20 of our colleagues have chosen to participate in the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge. This is an arduous hike across the peaks of Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough that they aim to complete in under 12 hours. They will trek across 24 miles, including 1585m of ascent.

As a firm, we care deeply about our community and the Napthens foundation allows us to do something about that. Working in a city, it is hard not to notice the ever-growing epidemic of homelessness. It would be difficult to see such suffering and not feel inspired to help. That is why, as a firm, we have chosen to support the Foxton Centre. Through this collaboration with the Foxton centre, we want to reach out to the most vulnerable people in our society and do what we can. In supporting the Foxton Centre, we are helping those in need and strengthening the bonds within Napthens, by working together to make the world a better place.

The Foxton Centre has been supporting our community since 1969, offering support to rough sleepers, street sex workers, young people dealing with difficult situations, those in poverty, those dealing with addiction, and those suffering with mental health problems. The Foxton Centre is involved with some amazing initiatives, such as the Homeless Day Centre, Assertive Outreach, The Rough Sleepers Initiative, Housing First, Streetlink, Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM), Fox Kidz, ATR and Smiths Rec.

Gillian Carlisle-Collett, one of our brilliant fundraisers, when asked what inspired her to join this challenge, said this: “It is important to me (us) to do something every year, for a worthy charity. There are so many worthy causes out there – how do you choose? On this occasion, working in a city, it is hard not to notice the rise in homelessness, we want to acknowledge this and help do something about it. Through this need to give back, the Three Peaks Challenge was born. A challenge to bring teams together across the business for a cause that is meaningful to us all on so many levels. The activity is not just a charitable event but also a team event strengthening bonds between teams.”

If, like Gillian and our other brilliant colleagues, you feel like supporting your local community, please donate via the link below. Together we can make a difference!

Sponsor Me – Online fundraising Service (

If this challenge interests you, more information on the routes and how to get involved for next year is available on their website.

3 Peaks Yorkshire