The pandemic is almost over, and our working lives seem to be getting back to normal. With enforcement officers back out making their checks, it is a very good time to review your licensing practises and be prepared for the spotlight.
- Do you have the most up to date copy of your premises licence AND summary on the premises? Don’t make the mistake of thinking the summary IS the premises licence, they are two entirely separate documents.
- Is the person named as the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) still working at your venue? Not having a DPS is a criminal offence that is taken very seriously by the authorities, and you need to stop selling alcohol immediately if your DPS has moved on.
- Have you used the pandemic as an opportunity to make changes or refurbish your premises? If so, remember that the plan forms a part of the premises licence and must reflect the current layout. In instances where it does not, some authorities will insist that the premises ceases to trade until remedial works are carried out or the plans altered.
- Licence conditions – check the conditions at Annex 2 on your premises licence. Are they routinely breached or a cause of commercial or practical issues for the premises? Breach of a premises licence condition is a criminal offence and compliance with them warrant attention as soon as practicable.
Click here for more information on licensing and personal legal services or to make an enquiry and talk to a member of our licencing team.