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Temporary Events Notices (TENs)
Temporary Events Notices are temporary permissions to carry on licensable activities, often used for one-off events where no permanent licence is otherwise needed, or where an existing licence is insufficient for the proposed event. They are also often used in situations where permission is needed quickly and it would take too long for a premises licence to be granted. A limited number of temporary event notices can be used by one person and in the same location each year.
Temporary events notices are therefore a useful tool and can be used for events which can significantly increase income on special occasions such as where a marquee is required in an unlicensed external area for a wedding or a beer festival, or where later hours are needed at a site that already has the benefit of a licence.
However, authorities such as the Police have the power to object to them due to concerns about issues such as noise nuisance or anti-social behaviour and there are also very strict minimum notice periods that need to be adhered for a notice to be granted.
At Napthens, we have a proven track record of obtaining Temporary Events Notices successfully on behalf of clients. We will consult on your behalf with authorities to minimise the likelihood of objections and where that doesn’t work, we can advocate on your behalf at hearings to maximise the prospects of the Temporary Events Notice being granted. We will also ensure that the deadlines imposed by the strict minimum notice period requirements are not missed.